Does Your Machine Need Repair or Total Reconditioning?
release date: 08/21/2016
tags: Machine Maintenance
Over the course of time, every machine breaks down. Gears grind, belts wear, and lubrication decreases, and fixing the issues becomes more and more complicated the longer repairs go undone. When it’s time for an overhaul, how do you decide whether your machines need repairing or total reconditioning?
The Difference in Repairing and Reconditioning
For manufacturing machinery, the difference can be significant. Repairing a machine is just like it sounds: fixing or replacing a part or series of parts so the machine returns to normal operation. Reconditioning a machine goes further, replacing various parts and restoring the entire machine to its new condition. A repaired machine is operable; a reconditioned machine is like new.
Deciding Which Route to Choose
There are dozens of factors that go into determining the level of repair your machinery requires. Repairs make the most sense when the issue is time-sensitive: If a production line is shut down, for example, or if a singular run needs to happen before the machine can be taken offline.
Reconditioning is a good solution if you’re considering selling a machine on the used machinery market, or if you’re planning to incorporate it into a line with other brand new machines. In some cases, machinery can be reconditioned to include new technologies that make it more comparable to what’s being sold new.
The Cost of Repair vs. Reconditioning
In many cases, total reconditioning is the more expensive of the two options. There are several advantages of spending the money up front, though, to recondition. Repairing a machine just to working order means you’ll likely face another breakdown in the future, whether from the same part or on another part that just wasn’t addressed. As a general rule, paying to have a machine totally reconditioned is an investment in the longevity of the machine.
Learn About Protech's Repair & Reconditioning Services
Whether you’ve decided on a repair or reconditioning or you need help figuring out which is right for your facility, the experienced technicians at Protech International can help. We’re experts in machine reconditioning, specializing in lamination and hydraulics, and we work with a huge array of German and other manufacturing equipment.
Contact Protech today for over-the-phone repair consulting and to find out how affordable it really is to recondition. You may not need a new machine, after all!